Tia Aya's Ropa Vieja

If you have visited Cuba with us you know very well that a good meal is always part of our experience during the journey.  Cuba is known for its people, the sounds of the music, the rhythm of the dance, of course the aroma of the Cuban Cigar- but Cuban food has its own very special place in the Cuban identity.  


While so many of us are at home and trying to come up with things to do… Jordan and I thought we would share some of our family recipes with you our guests/friends for your enjoyment.  We are starting with probably our favorite recipe from the matriarch and head chef of our family, our dearly departed Tia Aya.

Throughout most of her 96 years she supported and fed the family with her incredible cooking that never required a taste or exact measurements to come out flawless. In her later years, I asked her many times to try to nail down the specifics of her recipe and finally was able to pull this information from her in order to ensure the recipe could be passed along. Remember you don’t have to have a lot of people to feed to make any of the dishes we will share, nothing is more enjoyable than a nice leftover!


Let us  bring you into our family and back to our wonderful country of Cuba, through the smells, taste and enjoyment of our food.  Until we are there again, you can make this a fun experience with your family too!


Stay Home, Stay Safe and Stay Cuba and Travel Driven for the future!


** We are not endorsing any visits to the Grocery Store, use Instacart or other delivery services if you can friends!